
Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI 2019 – Call for abstract Sessione P16

La sessione P16 del congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI (Parma, 16-19 settembre, 2019; VAI AL SITO), co-organizzata da SGI e SPI, è intitolata Effects of climate change on biogeochemical cycles and life evolution from the deep time to the Anthropocene.

Sono attesi contributi che indaghino la relazione tra cambiamenti climatici ed organismi, processi e cicli biogeochimici con particolare attenzione per i progetti multidisciplinari e multilivello.

Ricordiamo che la deadline per la sottomissione dei riassunti è il 20 Maggio 2019, ore 19:00.

Arrivederci a Parma,

Massimo Bernardi e Mariano Parente

P16. Effects of climate change on biogeochemical cycles and life evolution from the deep time to the Anthropocene

Conveners: Massimo Bernardi (MUSE – Museo delle Scienze, Trento), Mariano Parente (UNINA)


This session aims to foster the dialogue between geologists, palaeontologists, ecologists, physical geographers and other experts in the key issue of the effects of rapid phases of climate change on both biotic and abiotic systems. We are particularly interested in methodological approaches and quantitative multiscale/macroevolutionary studies focusing on the effects of both natural and anthropogenic disturbances. We expect contributions on terrestrial and oceanic examples of (eco)systems functioning under stressed conditions in the Phanerozoic, dynamics of responses to intense perturbations and studies on geologically inspired solution to tackle present-day deleterious effects of climate change. Contributions to the growing disciplines of Anthropocene geology and conservation paleobiology are warmly encouraged.

Scritta da Marco Cherin il 06 maggio 2019.

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