
Dottorato in Earth System and Global Changes – Perugia

Cari Soci,
Vi comunico l’apertura del bando del nuovo corso di dottorato internazionale del Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia dell’Università di Perugia. Maggiori dettagli sono riportati nel presente messaggio e nel flyer in allegato.

The call for the NEW PhD program in Earth System and Global Changes at the University of Perugia is open!

Deadline: July 31, 2020

Information for applicants

Link to the call

General information The new PhD program in Earth System and Global Changes aims to train specialists with interdisciplinary skills, able to deal with several significant and compelling problems of our rapidly changing world, mainly related to: Earth history and dynamics; exploitation of renewable and non-renewable energy resources and geomaterials, also in the perspective of a circular economy; mitigation of geological risks (seismic, volcanic, and hydro-geomorphological).
The PhD program provides international training opportunities on issues relating to climate change, strategies for mitigating natural and human-induced risks, demand for natural resources, and environmental sustainability.

Scritta da Luca Jaselli il 02 luglio 2020.

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